Thursday, August 04, 2011

Sun erupts - economy falters - tax looms

As Sun goes about its usual business:
the first of three CMEs produced by the recent spate of flare activity reached Earth during the late hours of August 4th. The impact was weak and is not expected to produce strong geomagnetic storms. Two more CMEs are still on the way and, as described below, they may have merged into a single cloud that could produce significant storming when they reach Earth on August 5th around 10:00 UT. At midnight UTC the visible solar disk had 6 spotted regions.
How will Juliar's carbon tax limit this?

We can read:
Stocks Nose-Dive Amid Global Fears
Australian stockmarket tumbles in wake of overseas rout
Swan moves to calm jittery market nerves
Wayne Swan denies carbon tax impact on confidence
Where are our priorities by Barnaby Joyce

Are we reassured? As water and electricity debt rise due to the carbon tax.

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