Thursday, January 13, 2011

Joh and Wivenhoe Syndrome

Joh Bjelke-Petersen born 13 January 1911
Wivenhoe Syndrome

"Well, I think one of the things we should be grateful for is the vision and foresight of an earlier generation of Queensland political leaders who built the Wivenhoe dam. Bad though this flood has been, disastrous though this flood has been, it could have been far worse but for the dam."

That’s right and this is where I think that we can be grateful for the foresight of the State Government back in the 1970s, putting the Wivenhoe Dam in place. Sure, the dam hasn’t entirely prevented a major flood but it is not nearly as bad as it could’ve been thanks to the foresight of an earlier government.

I think it’s pretty clear that the disaster that this flood has been, it would have been significantly worse without the Wivenhoe Dam and it’s a tribute to the foresight and the courage of an earlier generation of Queensland politicians that that dam was built.
So, I think we should be grateful to them for that and obviously in the weeks and months ahead it will be important to reflect on the experiences of these floods and to work out how we can best ensure that the community is safe-guarded as far as it can be against a recurrence.

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