Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ian Barker - Then And Now

The Trial of Lindy and Michael Chamberlain ("The Dingo Trial") A Trial Commentary by Douglas O. Linder (2005) The Trial of Lindy and Michael - Ian Barker opened the case for the prosecution, telling jurors Azaria "died very quickly because somebody had cut her throat." Barker added, "The Crown does not venture to suggest any reason or motive for the killing. It is not part of our case that Mrs. Chamberlain had previously shown any ill will toward the child." Barker called Chamberlain's story about the dingo attack "a fanciful lie, calculated to conceal the truth."
Lindy Chamberlain
Lindy Chamberlain wikipedia
Witch hunt Ian Barker
Witch hunt By Paul Toohey July 15, 2000 - And the prosecution never accused the campsite witnesses - those who heard the dingo growl, those who met the Chamberlains and joined the search - of being liars. The closest [Crown prosecutor] Ian Barker came to it was to dismiss the claims of snowdropping dingoes. I think he made fun of my evidence," she says without rancour towards Barker.
Now Ian Barker shows he is infallible as he was then about Lindy and now sedition law.
Sedition law should be made redundant November 14, 2005
Sedition law Ian Barker
While Philip Ruddock is open to debate.
Philip Ruddock
There is no threat to freedom of speech - November 14, 2005 - The new sedition laws are a work in progress and the Government is open to debate on their final form, writes Philip Ruddock who is the federal Attorney-General.

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