Friday, January 27, 2006

Blamey - saw Australia through its greatest military crisis...

Blamey - was one of the very few national commanders to serve from the beginning of the war to the end. Be all this as it may, Horner certainly takes the measure of the military man. He says Blamey was one of the very few national commanders to serve from the beginning of the war to the end. Guarding "the fate of the nation", he saw Australia through its greatest military crisis when Japan threatened to invade in 1942. Be all this as it may, Horner certainly takes the measure of the military man. He says Blamey was one of the very few national commanders to serve from the beginning of the war to the end. Guarding "the fate of the nation", he saw Australia through its greatest military crisis when Japan threatened to invade in 1942. For Horner, it is enough to conclude that Blamey may not have been loved, or even admired, but he was respected and feared.

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