Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"...the money wasted and faith lost in the public school system."

More money, less faith at private school - January 25, 2006 - Increasing privilege is undermining stated values, writes Denis Fitzgerald. Denis Fitzgerald, a former senior public servant in public education and a former Teachers Federation official, is now a public school teacher.

While two question the issues raised:
One solution - January 26, 2006 -
"There is an easy way to redress the issues identified by Denis Fitzgerald ("More money, less faith at private school", January 25). Do what Ireland, England, Canada and New Zealand have done: maintain faith-based schools along with public schools - but do not have two funding systems. All schools are funded from one pot on the basis of student numbers, merit and need. Having two funding sources encourages a two-tiered system, as well as lack of equity and a jostling for resources. Having one source of funding would encourage genuine choice through diversity." Kate Mannix Epping
"Given his insider status, I wonder if Denis Fitzgerald could give us a critique of the money wasted and faith lost in the public school system." Ray Farley Leura

[I went to a non-public school and I think the public school system is more concerned with teachers then students.]

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