Thursday, December 22, 2005

Santa Never Made it into Darwin (Bill Cate)

Santa Never Made it into Darwin (Bill Cate)
On Christmas Eve of '74, a warning sounded out
On all the broadcast stations, a great storm was nearabout
The boys and girls all sleeping there, tomorrow was their day
The Mums and Dads all praying the storm would blow away
Chorus: Santa never made it into Darwin,
disaster struck at dawn on Christmas Day
Santa never made it into Darwin, a big wind came
and blew the town away Many boats set out to sea and very few returned
Most were foundered on the rocks, or in huge seas overturned
Australia was shocked and saddened as the news came through,
A devastated city that must be born anew
Santa never made it into Darwin, disaster struck at dawn on Christmas Day
Santa never made it into Darwin, a big wind came and blew the town away

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