Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Truman: You don't need to tell me anything else

Stimson asks Truman not to inquire into the nature of the Manhattan Project
Transcribed telephone conversation between the Secretary of War Stimson and Senator Truman (excerpt)
June 17, 1943
Sec: The other matter is a very different matter. It's connected with -- I think I've had a letter from Mr. Hally, I think, who is an assistant of Mr. Fulton of your office.
Truman: That's right.
Sec: In connection with the plant at Pasco, Washington.
Truman: That's right.
Sec: Now that's a matter which I know all about personally, and I am one of the group of two or three men in the whole world who know about it.
Truman: I see.
Sec: It's part of a very important secret development.
Truman: Well, all right then - - -
Sec: And I - -
Truman: I herewith see the situation, Mr. Secretary, and you won't have to say another word to me. Whenever you say that to me, that's all I want to hear.
Sec: All right.
Truman: Here is what caused that letter. There is a plant in Minneapolis that was constructed for a similar purpose and it had not been used, and we had been informed that they were taking the machinery out of that plant and using it at this other one for the same purpose, and we just couldn't understand that and that's the reason for the letter.
Sec: No, No, something - - -
Truman: You assure that this is for a specific purpose and you think it's all right; that's all I need to know.
Sec: Not only for a specific purpose, but a unique purpose.
Truman: All right, then.
Sec: Thank you very much.
Truman: You don't need to tell me anything else.
Sec: Well, I'm very much obliged.
Truman: Thank you very much.
Sec: Goodby.
Truman: Goodby.
Source: Michael B. Stoff, Manhattan Project: A Documentary History (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991), pp. 39-40.

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