Sunday, February 26, 2006

'Howard - straight-laced, conservative Howard - "He has encouraged the young to rebel."

Howard's South Park pals
Young voters have flocked to the Prime Minister as the good times continue to roll, writes Caroline Overington
February 27, 2006
"The man who is not a socialist at 20 has no heart, but if he is still a socialist at 40 he has no head." - Aristide Briand
It is 100 years since Aristide Briand's expulsion from the French Socialist Party prompted him to utter words that have become part of the received wisdom of politics.
These factors have meant that Howard - straight-laced, conservative Howard - has been responsible for something that smells suspiciously like teen spirit. He has encouraged the young to rebel.
Extract from The Howard Factor - A Decade That Changed the Nation edited by Nick Cater and published today by Melbourne University Press. $29.95.

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